
Search and evaluation the burial place

If you for any reason do not have complete information that can identify the burial site, our organization provides services for searching of the place of burial:

  • searching the place of burial, if name of cemetery is unknown
  • searching the place of burial, if disposal sector is unknown
  • searching the place of burial, if number of burial is unknown
  • assessment of technical condition of the place of burial (grave, gravestones, tomb)
We determine the geographical GPS-coordinates of the graves, provide a convenient way for mobile devices and navigators. Now no one will ever lose the resting place of the departed from us to another world of their loved ones.

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Evaluation of burial place and sending photos of found burial place – FREE.

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Our Services Search and evaluation

Project Geography

Today we provide the grave care services in Lviv, Ternopil, Uzhgorod and its regions. In the near future, the activities of our company will expand throughout the territory of Ukraine.
Welcome to cooperation!